As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends!
Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around six months or so now which is terrific. I'm still sober, have been since Nov 11th 2021.
More news coming.
Welcome to Alex's Blog basically about my ex-wife and our website
Saturday, February 1, 2025
February 1st 2025
Friday, February 16, 2024
February 16th 2024 - Update
Announced the new website PineappleWatersports on Feb 14th 2024 by emailing a few, 30 or so media outlets a press release that was probably a confusing mess to most who read it. I have been sitting on announcing the site since September 2023, not sure why I have waited this long to unleash my baby monster that wants nothing more than to be loved. In the days leading up to Feb 14th I began to feel a rush of Energy, driving me, compelling me to launch the site by making a post on (which has since been removed) as well as emailing a handful of media on that date.
It had to be February 14th, Valentine's Day, a day for everyone to feel Love around the world. I want to make that day last all year round, feel love, be loved by spreading #Respect Listen Love & Intimacy. I'm still working on crafting my message, I am very happy with #RLL but now I want to add Intimacy occasionally.
I'm slow, I am much more careful and thoughtful now about my words, they are powerful, just ask my ex-wife. So I must use them with care in what I say. I'm an open book, I have nothing to hide, I have no secrets. I record my life obsessively convinced that what I have to say matters and should be recorded so some day someone, maybe me, can write a book about my life or make a documentary. A book, what am I saying, I haven't read a book in years. I'm always scared it will pull me in and I won't be able to put it down! My book on the other hand...Have I told you the title? "How I lost 420 Bitcoins and other stories of my life"
So, where are we in this saga, been a long time since I have written here. My ex-wife is still on Gabriola, living in the basement of my parents house, hopefully not trying to drink herself to death combined with sleeping pills. She has been threatening to kill herself all year, reminds me of me when I was a drunk...
Happy to report she is doing much better now that I have launched the new site. It has estranged me from my father and mother whom I love more and more each day but the 3 of them are getting closer. She however can't wait to leave this country and go back to the US.
Every day is Awesome for me and every day I feel more and more love for everyone. I can't wait to be able to post my videos on FB and Youtube. Both of which I am currently banned for a week. Have to learn the limits of these services. I have a tiktok channel but not settled on title yet. Have a good twitter handle @pineapplepissin. I'm in linkedIN what good that will do me I don't know. Youtube is @respectlistenlove
I'm building a presence, I'm using #RLL and "PineappleWatersports" to do it.
I talked to Donna Morton yesterday and my dad today, both have made me question how I am going about this. Also Angel
Monday, September 11, 2023
September 11th 2023
Still waiting on Andres to move the new site and wipe out old one.
September 11th, I remember well where I was on September 11th 2001, I was in Seattle working for a client having driven down from Vancouver the day before. I got totally smashed and drunk that night and could barely focus when I came in to the clients office. I was an embarrassment to myself and my company that I co-owned. I was a functioning alcoholic in those days so I pulled it off. Never did what they paid me to come down and learn about. I was there to gather info for a new module they wanted added on, internet connectivity. I couldn't be bothered to do the work or sub contract it out so passed on doing the job. Someone else did it I'm sure.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
September 6th 2023 Wednesday
Well my little project is starting to have some legs, after just over 24 hours 10 members, 6 men, 4 women. Can't sleep or do anything but obsess over how to build this movement:
share a passion for watersports, hygrophilia, and in particular pineapple piss drinking. The club believes that this act is a form of sexual intimacy and aims to promote understanding, acceptance, and an end to discrimination against those who engage in this practice. The founder hopes to make pineapple piss drinking socially acceptable by the fall of of 2024 and encourages members to talk and share their experiences on social media.
The club emphasizes the importance of consent, safety, and respect in all activities.
I'm going to tie it all together...eventually.
February 1st 2025
As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...
I'm sitting here with Tasha in my living room. Right now 4am, Tasha is sleeping in my bed.
I imagine what our conversations would be like. I would like to know about her life now, is she happier than she was with me? She still h...
For the first time in almost a year I talked to Sheri. Because she did not hang up on me and spoke to me for about 20 minutes I am removing...