Sunday, April 19, 2020

Face it, she hates me

"You ruined my life" she said to me once.  I didn't ruin her life, I ruined our life together.  I ruined that dream of a life together.  I hope she hasn't ruined her life with Lit'l Bites.

I have to face the fact that she no longer loves me and in fact hates and despises me according to Ellen, a friend of mine.  Right now I don't care if Sheri hates me or not, I want to bend her will into talking to me.

Sheri made a house a home and I lost that.  I have a house now but no home without Sheri.

What if she has become bitter and angry.  I can't believe that because of this picture:

The Beehive station put those hearts around Sheri's cart.  It breaks my heart she won't speak to me.  She changed her number after I got a hold of this picture.  Happier times?  Here she is on August 26th 2019

If she doesn't talk to me after what I wrote to her nothing will break her will not to speak to me.  I just wish I could understand it.  Because I don't, at all.  Well barely.  Its still too hard for her to talk to me.  I abandoned her and she can't forgive me for it. "I can't go back to that."

I keep hoping she has written to me.  Nothing, not a word, complete silence.  Brave.  

Statesman Journal Article.

Sheri and her good friend Billie celebrating the grand opening of Lit'l Bites Jan 2019
Beautiful picture of Sheri August 2018

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February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...