Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 8th 2020 - Sunday. I still talk to Sheri in my head daily.

 I imagine what our conversations would be like.  I would like to know about her life now, is she happier than she was with me?  She still has her cart going which is a wonderful thing, so happy every time she is open.  I am so scared for her.  Wednesday to Sunday she is open so go visit her.   

I have these conversations with her in my head all the time, I should record them.  Next time.  


I chose alcohol over Sheri I am so sorry to say.  She didn't deserve that, she was worth more than that.  I felt it was the only way I could stop drinking was to lose Sheri's love.  As sick and perverted as that sounds that's what I felt.  And I never told her.  I was never man enough to admit to her face what I was doing.  Instead I mentally tortured her by withdrawing my love and choosing the bottle over her time and time again.  I couldn't stop drinking until I realized I had lost her love over alcohol.  And yet here today I am still drinking.  I'm glad she left me, she deserved a better life than I could give her.  

She expected me to move to Salem but I never would.  She believed I would and give it a real chance. She said to me once, "remember our life together." Instead I just kept drinking and eventually she realized it would never happen.  I couldn't imagine a life with Sheri in Oregon and I was not interested in leaving my parents who have looked after me my whole life.  Though Sheri looked after me better than any woman on the planet.  She would do anything I asked and trusted me completely.   I totally let her down and then I destroyed the angel she was and turned her into a hardened woman she is ready to take on the world.  At least that's  I thought I was doing as crazy as that sounds.  I should have just told her, why didn't I talk to her?  Why did I just torture her mentally?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. letting you know i like reading your updates. sorry to see you lose someone. so close yet so far. here's to your mental wellness (not sarcastic). reading your blog is like reading through a tragedy book in real time. sometimes dont you wish you can turn back time?

  3. Thank for the kind words. I have to get over her, but like I've said a thousand times I would be fine if she would just talk to me regularly. Can't turn back time that's for sure, can only go forward and move on. Live in the moment, in the present just like my dog does!


February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...