Friday, January 22, 2021

January 22nd 2021 - No word from Sheri

I guess I will have to wait until February 10th to hear from her.   That will be over 30 days.  She told me to let her contact me when she has time and in her own time.  I have to keep reminding myself not to text or call her.   

On another note, Lexis called me again, she has broken up with her boyfriend so that gives me an opportunity 🙂.  I am currently heading to Nanaimo to go to the dump and get rid of a truck load of yard waste.  Meeting Barbara for coffee.  I don't think that relationship will grow beyond being a friendship.  Lexis on the other hand is a real possibility.  We clicked before and could again 🤣
Something I didn't realize when I was making all those clips with Sheri as Tasha, that I was filming history in the making.  I should have used the highest resolution video camera available at the time and I didn't.  There are only a couple of clips recorded in hi-res because of the crappy computer I had to use at the time could only handle so much.  It lacked horsepower and I was too cheap to upgrade.  Oh well.  All her clips are still classic and ground breaking.  She paved the way and helped opened the door.
I hope to hear from her again everyday.  It's agonizing.  But at least I have spoken to her, the year has started off right I can say that for sure. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 17th 2021 - I have to be careful what I write from now on.

I have to be very careful not to scare Sheri off.  I also have to be aware that Mark, Rani and a couple of other of Sheri's friends know of this website.  

I really want to tell you about the conversation with Sheri but I can't or I would betray her trust.  There are some things I think it is safe to tell you though.  I just want to think about it a lot more and ideally ask her permission first.  

So what can I safely say right now?  Well good sign, good news, she has spoken to me twice and indicated she will speak to me again and maybe even regularly.  This is what I have always wanted so I couldn't be happier.   I believe we will be finally reconciled and at peace with one another over time. I have been wanting to make amends and she is giving me the opportunity yet again to do so.  I have to make sure I don't screw it up this time.  It looks like this story will have a happy ending after all.  Also, I have quit drinking as of January 6th 2021 or January 9th 2021, can't remember which...

Friday, January 15, 2021

January 15th 2021 - I will not be releasing the video call with my mother

 After much reflection I have decided not to release the video call with my mother.  Out of respect for Sheri I will not be releasing the video.  It was a private conversation discussing a private conversation.    I don't think I said anything to my mother that was a betrayal of Sheri's trust.  I hope Sheri doesn't think I have betrayed her already by speaking to my mother.  I had to tell my mum, she has watched me agonize for four years over Sheri's loss.  I will write more when I can organize my thoughts.



Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7th 2021 - Talked to Sheri yesterday

For the first time in almost a year I talked to Sheri.  Because she did not hang up on me and spoke to me for about 20 minutes I am removing all personal information about Sheri from this website.  I hope to speak to her again and arrange a schedule of calls.  That is what I have wanted for the last three years, ever since she stopped talking to me in 2017.  

I made a video and uploaded it to youtube about the call.

edit - Jan 14th 2021 - For some reason I can't add comments or reply to this entry, sorry about that! Am thinking about releasing the video.  Its a call with my mother and don't think it breaks Sheri's confidence.  Still considering it. 

February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...