Friday, January 22, 2021

January 22nd 2021 - No word from Sheri

I guess I will have to wait until February 10th to hear from her.   That will be over 30 days.  She told me to let her contact me when she has time and in her own time.  I have to keep reminding myself not to text or call her.   

On another note, Lexis called me again, she has broken up with her boyfriend so that gives me an opportunity 🙂.  I am currently heading to Nanaimo to go to the dump and get rid of a truck load of yard waste.  Meeting Barbara for coffee.  I don't think that relationship will grow beyond being a friendship.  Lexis on the other hand is a real possibility.  We clicked before and could again 🤣
Something I didn't realize when I was making all those clips with Sheri as Tasha, that I was filming history in the making.  I should have used the highest resolution video camera available at the time and I didn't.  There are only a couple of clips recorded in hi-res because of the crappy computer I had to use at the time could only handle so much.  It lacked horsepower and I was too cheap to upgrade.  Oh well.  All her clips are still classic and ground breaking.  She paved the way and helped opened the door.
I hope to hear from her again everyday.  It's agonizing.  But at least I have spoken to her, the year has started off right I can say that for sure. 

1 comment:

  1. Would you consider making more content/videos like you used to with Tasha?


February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...