Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 8th 2021 - SHERI TALKED TO ME TODAY!!!

She talked to me today, how exciting!  Sounds like the start of something promising!   

First of all I had to ask for time to talk to her, she said ok, I can give you 15 minutes, it ended up being almost an hour.  I have waited two long weeks to call her, somewhere in the conversation she said that wasn't that long.

We talked about her trip to Disneyland, her friends, her business, her skills as a photographer.  We also talked about her losing her food truck to an accident and the truck being written off.   She said she works all day everyday on her business, she works a lot.  I lead a life of leisure, I haven't worked in almost five months.  I didn't tell her that though, don't know why not.  Maybe I did,  I don't remember.  She said she hasn't been anywhere since going to Disneyland because of Covid.  She has had the vaccine though because she is a food service worker.   She has also had Covid and ended up in the hospital but it was a mild case.  I was worried she would be killed by hospital costs but she said she has insurance of course, who wouldn't?

She said she can take care of herself.  She said something like, "if you are worried about me and money you can give me the 70 Bitcoin you owe me."  I told her I can't.   She just wants what is owed her, 70 Bitcoins, "I only want what is mine."  I would love to give you 70 Bitcoins, I said, but I lost them all.  "I don't believe you, you of all people."   Ask my mum and dad, I lost everybody's, I lost everything, its all gone.  You bought a house, she said and other things, I should be grateful and I am, more about that later.  I cried when I told her what I done.  How I had squandered 420 Bitcoins that were once so precious to me.  I have a story to tell...

She said how did you lose them?  I said I am writing about it, I'll send it to you.  How about you read it to me, and I did.  I read her a draft.  It was a wonderful moment.  It is the first time Sheri has ever heard my words on paper.  She had to go back to work so we never got to the end of it. 

She said she just wants to sell her food and be happy.  She's good, she has her business, people like her food and like her.  She's ok.  She's making out just fine.  She has a lot of return customers and new customers, she is doing just fine financially.  Only thing that bothers her is what I did to her.  She can support herself.  She doesn't understand what I did to her to this day.  She thought she was all I ever needed, I would never need anyone else, I needed alcohol.  She doesn't want to do it again.  You could not be my person, so no one can.  You're adorable, I said.  No I'm not she said.  She has a dog that loves her and is with her all the time when she is home.  She is happy being on her own, she lives with her best friends so she has people around her.  She said I can talk to her every two weeks.  She is doing what she is wants with her life and her business is her choice.  

I could have changed her life if I could have kept the 70 Bitcoins for her like I promised and swore I would.  A fool and his money are easily parted, I couldn't even safe keep Sheri's Bitcoins.  So I am hoping once I get a donation address set up for her people will donate to her own gofundme here on this website.  In return I will give you access to all her clips including ones never published.  If I can do it easily...This will take more thought. 

Everyday I am grateful my parents made me buy this house.  Also my dad made me get a second bathroom as well as all the other things they do for me.  My cousin David wrote "Wow, I am continually amazed at you and Richards work ethic and selfless help for others."  Richard is my father, Wendy is my mother, David was not talking about me.  Both my parents tried desperately to get me to invest in something, anything other than Bitcoin and I wouldn't budge.  I wouldn't even part with my Bitcoins for a new car.  Instead I gave them away to shysters and hucksters.

I'm working on a longer version of how I lost my 420 Bitcoins story.  When its done I'm going to send it in to Bitcoin Magazine as well as publish it here for the first time for fans of Sheri aka Tasha, and fans of my writing.

In other news about my life...I have started talking to Susan, my mothers sister.  Well turns out Susan hates my mother Wendy with a vitriol like I have never seen.  I recorded the conversation and you are welcome to listen to it and let me know what you think.  If there is much interest I will write more about what is going on.  It has been a life changing day, talking to Sheri, getting back into crypto, reaffirming my faith in Bitcoin if at first you don't succeed try, try again. Talking to Susan, starting a shitstorm with my mum.  Amazing day so far.  I am going to try and write a book, tentatively called "How I lost 420 Bitcoins."  I am just figuring out what the chapters are going to be,  #RespectListenLove will be a chapter. 

Here is the conversation with Susan, who turns 80 on Monday or Tuesday and my mum suggested having a virtual birthday for her via zoom with a total of 6 adults and 3 children.  Susan rejected that.   Leave a note in the comments section of the video if you want more.  It's long, about 52 minutes and you may not be interested or get bored but I think its stunning.

Conversation with Susan


Here is a snippet of messenger conversation today with my mother about Susan, she doesn't want to watch or listen to the video above.

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February 1st 2025

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