Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25th 2022 - Going to redesign and relaunch this website.

In the future, will no longer link directly to this blog.  

Instead it will link to a top 5 Amateur Piss Drinking porn stars web pages.  I have @polysure signed up, @pisswhore, @kateandkyle, @stepfatherBR and @YellowMorning as well.  

Draft landing page:


Progress so far - Posted local ad on facebook warning this was for an adult site, got one response from a friend lol.  Have to think about that...So I went to freelancer and posted a job with explicit description.  Hired someone from India, about 20 minutes later was fired from!!!

 Look at this list, where am I on this list???

1pm update

Chatting with web developer in India.  Negotiating about the price now, been an interesting discussion.  I keep thinking to myself I could do this myself but then I remember what a job I did...but I am blowing my budget on one smart!  

New template:

Another one


Here's the ad that got me fired from freelancer:



"Who are We"

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, this is WebXHosts, the one whom you hired. Please connect me on so I can see what best we can do to get back to you on


February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...