Thursday, December 23, 2021

December 23rd 2021 - Day 3/10

I have to wait 7 more days before I can talk to Sheri again.  It's agonizing.  She has told me several times not to send lots of texts as I scared her, making her wanting to back off.  She only wants to give me a minimal amount of her time, the bare minimum that she can spare.  She doesn't want her friends Bill and Billie to know anything about me, my reputation with them is completely ruined.  They think of me as a monster and I have never met or spoken to them.  I did message them on Facebook though, then they made their accounts private so have never reached out since.  


Added some entries to the Sheri and Alex timeline:

1998? First met in Vancouver when Sheri visited with her friend Kathy

2002 Jan? Met in Portland and had a wild fun weekend together

2002 April? Sheri quit her job and moved to Vancouver to live with Alex

2002 December - Married by Justice of the Peace in Kitsilano

2003 August 3rd - Married in parents garden on Gabriola

2003 Sept - Bought domain and started website

2007 Summer - Alex freaked out, got paranoid about being sued over website which never happened.  Sold apartment, shut down website and moved to Surrey.  Had about $250K in the bank.

2010 Summer - Moved to Salem, Oregon?

2011 Summer - Got excited about and bought 100 Bitcoins.  Failed to excite anyone else, friends or family.  Sheri agreed to invest $50K into Bitcoins and Alex made catastrophic decision not to follow through because he lacked vision of what could do with all those resources.  Instead, Alex thought it was immoral to control more than 100 Bitcoins so passed up opportunity of a lifetime.

2013 Summer - Alex decided to get 420 Bitcoins and gave up almost all fiat to do so even taking Sheri's money from her bank account.  Shameful. Over the next few years Alex fell prey to GASS (Greed, arrogance, selfishness and stupidity) lost almost all of them except the last 100 which he knew was his job to hang on to.

2014 Summer - Alex moved back to Gabriola permanently 

2015 Summer - Sheri visited Alex in Vancouver, had a great time.  Later went to Gabriola, saw Darcy and went to rehab at "Together We Can" where Alex decided he had to sacrifice Sheri to his alcohol god in order to be free of being its slave.  This is what Alex persuaded himself he had to do.

2016 June - Sheri phoned and separated from Alex.  Next day Sheri tells Alex she wants him to win her back. Sheri tells Alex in December 2021 that she never thought he would be able to do it. She was right, I wasn't. 

2017 November -  Sheri divorces Alex.  Sheri quits talking to Alex

2018 August - Alex threatens Sheri with exposure

2018 November - Alex deposits last 100 Bitcoins with Quadriga after Mother convinces him to get something out as Bitcoin was crashing at the time.  Why I put all 100 in and left them there I will never know.  I thought I was doing a good thing and helping Quadriga out, I didn't think protect yourself and protect Sheri.  Why I don't know.

2019 January - Quadriga does a rug pull.  Alex loses Sheri and his retirement and wealth.  Sheri starts her new business. 

2019 March??? or 2020 February???  - Alex exposes Sheri and continues to make threats.  Alex never hears a word from Sheri and slowly removes exposing info from website. 

2020 - March 28th - Alex quits getting drunk and starts being sober

2021 January 6th - Sheri starts talking to Alex again.  Alex removes Sheri's name from the website.

2021 November 6th - Alex realizes he is a complete failure and quits all alcohol, goes dry

2021 December 20th - Sheri still talking to Alex

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February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...