Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 7th 2022 - God is Energy, Love is God's Energy

"Connection is more important than content." Zuckerburg said something like that and it is so true.  Make a connection, use it, grow it.  I always ask myself "What are you going to do Alex?" What am I going to do?

Love is the meaning of life, no question about that, should be obvious to anyone.  What feels better than love?  We all want to surround ourselves with love and where do we get love from, other human beings. 


I have figured out the meaning of life.


What is the meaning of Life?

Love is the meaning of Life

Surround yourself with love

Love is God's energy

Energy is God's love

God is energy

Energy is God





  1. Did you publish this?
    If you did, you sound like a sociopath. Yikes. Run, Tasha, run your ass off.

  2. Get some help man. If you actually want to start a new life.


February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...