Friday, January 7, 2022

January 7th 2022 and previous

January 7th 2022 - My mother has just told me I'm evil because I write about my life and the people around me.  She had a stroke on July 3th 2021 and right now her blood pressure is 156 over 95 so she could have another stroke at any time.  Especially if she is calling me evil...

January 6th 2022 - Talked to Sheri for about an hour an a half, she didn't sound like she was in a good place but she still talked to me.

January 5th, 2022

My mother has just written to me asking: "What are you going to do now?"  

Well, I'm going to write this blog post, been thinking about it for days and should get it started. 

Who am I?  My name is Alex, I am 54 years old, divorced twice, currently single and live with two housemates at my home on Gabriola Island in BC, Canada.  Up until this past Christmas 2021, I had a sister, a father and a mother whom I hope I still have a relationship with. 

I like to write.  I write daily, have a few blogs, twitter accounts and a Facebook account where I like to share my thoughts and feelings. 

On Christmas day, December 25th 2021 I was going to go, as I do every year, to my parents house for Christmas dinner.  My cousins son and his girlfriend, who had flown in from the US, a complete stranger to our family, were there visiting.  My sister and her husband were going to make dinner for all of us.   I thought well, it's Christmas, I'll ask my two housemates what they were doing.  Yves had plans, but George, who is about 78 and well known to Gabriola locals, had no plans.  So I asked him if he would like to come to Christmas dinner, he said sure!  I said would first have to check be ok so I called my mum and dad who said fine, ask your sister first.  So I called my sister and asked if George could come, she said sure.  Who was vaccinated or unvaccinated never came up that day until I saw this fateful picture taken with my phone that afternoon.


That's me in the Tie-Dye.  Round the table left to right, my sister ETC ETC 

My first thought on looking at the picture was that it reminded me of "The Last Supper" with the youth, represented by my cousins son, at the head of the table, about to have their privacy forever lost in 2022. 

My next thought was that we were a mix, a cocktail of different jab status.  Our vaccination status ranged from George who is unvaccinated with 0 jabs, me with 1 jab, my sister and her husband with 2 jabs, my parents with 3 and I never asked my cousins son or his girlfriend how many times they had been jabbed so a ? really.  I didn't know if they had 2-3 jabs, assumed at least 2 but could be 3.

A tweet started coming to me and it looked something like this:


The first title I came up with was something like "Who will end up in ICU first!!!"

So I created this tweet and sent a copy to family to get their reaction and feedback.  Big mistake.  I should have asked someone outside the family first.   Personally I thought it was funny, I still do.  My mother, who had a stroke on July 3rd of this year spent two months in hospital, is now crippled down her right side and the rest of my family did not find it funny at all.  So my mistake was not immediately deleting when they got upset.  The sequence of events, the timeline was I posted the tweet, emailed my family with a copy of the tweet.  Well my sister immediately reported my tweet to twitter.  After just having had a video removed by Youtube I was curious to see what twitter would say in this new era of censorship.  I was more curious about twitter than about the feelings of my family.   Why?  Because I thought they were over-reacting to something harmless.  I didn't harm anyone, insult anyone.  

I eventually deleted the tweet after some hours of arguing with my sister in messenger (which I have yet to read back).  She was right, I was insensitive.  But I wasn't being evil, what I see today is evil being broadcast and implemented daily.  This discrimination against the unvaccinated is evil and downright scary.  "The most dangerous people in history have always been those who have tried to pretend that they were morally justified in oppressing others."   My own father says he himself would kill the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated and free up hospital beds.  To me, that's a sign that he has lost his moral compass.  The only explanation I can come up with is he has been brainwashed into this vaccine cult that grows like the virus daily.  But more and people are questioning the wisdom and the path of our leaders while people like Trudeau double down and single out the unvaccinated more and more.  I am getting off track as is my want.  I'll get back to this.

So I delete the tweet after less than twenty four hours where it got no retweets, likes or comments so nobody saw it.  I agreed to mask out everyone's identity from the picture.  Not good enough, my family want me to remove the picture and all mention of it.  I couldn't believe it, I still don't.  I showed them another draft of the tweet:


Nope, not good enough, not allowed to use the picture at all to make any points about covid, vaccinations or masks.  Because my tweet goes against my families beliefs they want no part of it.  Fine, it will be from an anonymous account with no ones identity revealed.  Still not good enough.  Well I started crying about this online on my Facebook page and some of my friends sympathized with me while my sister argued with me about what I was doing. 

The tweet is factual it is the truth yet my father calls it a lie.  I cannot comprehend his logic in coming to that conclusion.


I think I have common sense and am able to think rationally.  I don't understand all the emotion and trauma this has caused.  My sister and brother in law say they want nothing to do with me and I am not welcome on their property.  This is serious, I don't know how to undo that.  My father says he has blocked my email and threatened to block my phone.  My mother and father have both told me I am not welcome in their house for the time being. 

I feel surreal, I am being censored by my family who want no mention or connection between them and I online.  In other words, do not use words like mother, father, sister, brother in law.  Crazy, I have self censored myself a lot.  They want no mention of Dec25th brought up anywhere.  I think they are ashamed and embarrassed that they let George and I have dinner with them, that's what I think.  I already know my mother is ashamed of me, she told me so.  There are many reasons for this but lately its because I am able to express my views online to a wide audience that includes my family.

My family is unable to accept the truth even when it is before their very eyes.  They are so ingrained in the dominant narrative that anything that deviates is rejected.  It's a religion, a cult devotion so strong that nothing can break it, I have seen and witnessed this devotion with my own eyes.


Whatever you think of their behavior, no one can now deny… The unvaccinated are a persecuted minority. Demonized by the media, ostracized by society, oppressed by the state.

This rhetoric is dangerous. We are heading down a dark path. The unvaxed are being setup as the scape goat for the countries problems. History shows that this never ends well.

 It’s increasingly clear that the covid response will follow the same pattern as WMDs and the Iraq war. Eventually everyone will deny that they ever supported lockdowns and mandates. Yet many disastrous policies will continue long after the lies used to justify them are exposed.

 What is in these vaccines and why is there a global effort to inject them into the body of every human being on the planet—by any means necessary? That is the question every sane person is asking. Coercion, bribery, propaganda, and censorship are not tools used by good guys.

 It’s time we all spelt it out plainly my friend: We are witnessing a global palace coup that suspends our rights - under the guise of an emergency that has been proven to be manipulated - by a network of fascists who seek a New World Order governed by technocratic corporatism.

Self-censorship is censorship. Removing concerned voices regarding the vaccine from Twitter damages free and open discussion. Equally, harassing people with opposing views to the point of self-censoring for fear of the mob has a similar effect. Sad!

 Who thought covid would turn into your rights being removed unless you take a jab that doesn’t prevent anything other than your rights being removed!

This spring/summer "Covid" will transition into a more obvious economic control agenda, with introduction of CBDCs, introduction/expanding of no jab no job and #VaccinePassports morphing into social/carbon credit systems. It will be interesting to see how the public will respond.
 I don’t know who needs to hear this, but pretending you’re slowing the spread of COVID by supporting a bunch of totalitarian mandates that impose enormous costs on children, minorities and the poor does not make you virtuous or caring. Actually it just makes you a fascist.
 •Macron says his millions of unvaccinated countrymen are “not citizens.” •Biden tells parents to keep kids away from the unvaccinated. •Trudeau blames lockdowns on the unvaccinated, calls them “misogynists” and “racists.” This rhetoric is appalling, coordinated and dangerous.

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February 1st 2025

As of today, Sheri is back home in Oregon, I am still on Gabriola and we are still friends! Sheri has quit drinking, been sober for around s...